In light of recent tragic events in Marion County we would like to ensure the community has access to the Ohio Department of Health’s “Babies Cry a Lot” brochure. It is a simple statement that we all know to be true. In some families the babies cry far more often than your “typical” infant. When you couple that stress with either mental health issues, substance abuse, or overwhelming daily stress you are looking at a recipe for disaster. It is fair to say (most of the time) when a parent shakes a baby they are not being malicious. They are frustrated and are acting in the moment. They have not learned proper coping skills and they are past the point of being practical. Many parents do not have a strong support system and have no one to turn to. They have failed to pause before acting.
Our suggestions? If you are a new parent make a list of supports you can call when you need help. If you know of a new parent please let them know that they can count on you when they are at the end of their rope. Ensure them they can call you for help and you will help them through with no judgement. Are you alone? Place the baby safely on their back in their crib and walk out of the room. It is OK to allow your child to cry but check on them every 5-10 minutes to ensure they are still safe. Lastly, choose your partner and caregivers carefully. Before leaving your child with anyone be sure to do your homework. As always, if you suspect abuse or neglect please call our agency 740-389-2317. If you know of anyone that needs mental health or substance abuse treatment? Please call 211 for more information.