Stop the Cycle…
Marion County Children Services works every day to stop the cycle of abuse and neglect, because every child deserves a good – and safe – home.
Every day, children die from abuse and neglect. Often people are aware of the abuse but do not report it. But when you do report abuse, families are connected with counseling, resources and services that may reduce stress – even save a life. And victims of child abuse who get help are less likely to become abusers and have other problems as they grow up.
Stop the cycle of abuse and neglect!
Because every child deserves a good – and safe – home.
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Make a Report
If you suspect or have reason to believe that a child is being abused or neglected, contact Marion County Children Services at 740-389-SAFE.
Foster Care
When children cannot remain in their own homes due to safety concerns, and appropriate relatives are not available, foster care is the next preferred setting.
Kinship Services
Kinship care, where bonded adults step in to take care of kids in need, is an important, preferred alternative to foster care.

It Takes 100%
Heart to Foster.
We LOVE our foster families.
Foster families provide temporary care in their homes for children in need.
While foster care is considered a temporary situation, it is a full-time commitment.
Click here to learn more about how you can positively affect the life of a child in need.
News & Events
Stay up to date on our latest articles, press releases, and what we are doing to serve and bring change to our community.